
Worsley Golf Club

Course Status

Course open. Please repair pitch marks and rake bunkers. Updated: 26th Jul 2024

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WGC Mixed Open 2024

Sunday 18th August 2024 - Worsley Golf Club,
Men play from White Tees
Ladies play from Red Tees

A Mixed 85% Handicap Stableford Betterball (1 of 2 scores to count) Competition open to entry group All Members Members & Visitors on Sun 18th Aug played on the Worsley Golf Club course from the White & Red tees. Men score against the White Stroke Index and the Ladies score against the Red.  Score Balancing - Ladies automatically receive 1 extra shot.

Prize winners must have at least 10 competitive rounds in the previous 12 month showing on their WHS records.


The contact for this competition is Pat Jackson (07731996483)

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